
The Fondation is currently closed. We look forward to welcoming you back on 17 October for the exhibition "Pop Forever. Tom Wesselmann &..."

Pricing Conditions



Under 26:  Valid ID required.

Students: A French or European student card for the current year + valid ID required.

For non-EU citizens, a current international student card required.

Teachers: A"Pass Education" for the current academic year is required.

Official documentation - "Attestation Professionnelle" (professional certification) or "Certificat d'Exercice" (certificate of practice) - required for university-level French teachers.


Children, less than 18 years old, artists and job seekers.


Maximum 2 adults and a maximum of 4 children under 18.


  • Under 3: Valid ID required. Commission des droits et de l'autonomie des personnes handicapées
  • Disabled person + 1 guest : CDAPH (Disabled People's Rights and Autonomy Commission) cards with DDASS (District Health and Social Services Office) stamp, ONAC (National Office for Veterans and Victims of War) card or equivalent foreign certificate, valid MDPH (Regional Centre for Disabled People) or CDAPH (Commission for the Rights and Independence of Disabled People) card or a Ministry for Veterans and Victims of War card + valid ID.
  • ICOM (International Council of Museums) members /ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites) members: membership card valid for the current year + valid ID.
  • French and foreign journalists and art critics:
  • Press pass or Association des Critiques d'Art (Art Critics Association) card or Syndicat de la Presse Artistique (Art Press Union) card valid for the current year + valid ID.
  •  Students : every thursday, the exhibition is free for students with a current international student card.