Solidarity tours

© Fondation Louis Vuitton / Martin Raphaël Martiq

Pour les groupes éloignés de la culture, un temps de rencontre et d’exploration du bâtiment ou de l’exposition en cours est proposé, accompagné par un médiateur culturel.

Organisée en lien avec les professionnels du champ social, cette déambulation est un véritable moment d’attention et de partage permettant de décomplexer la rencontre avec les œuvres.

Remote Live Tour

The Remote Live Tour is accessible for all. It is an original, immersive experience you can enjoy from your own home. It’s a real-time tour that includes live interaction with an expert guide who will be on hand to answer your questions. Using only your computer, you will see the building from new angles and explore the exhibitions in 360° HD video.

This project aims to promote education and culture for all. Our remote cultural tour can be seamlessly integrated into any of your workshops, whether it's for teaching French as a foreign language, promoting literacy, or exploring new educational or cultural aspects.

The Foundation is available to collaborate with your social sector organization to plan a virtual tour for your groups. On reservation subject to availability.

Duration: 1 hr.

Possibility to request 1 or more connections

To book a tailor-made experience, please contact us at the following email address:

Tom Wesselmann, Still Life #60, 1973 | Crédit artiste : © Adagp, Paris, 2024 Crédit photographique : © Fondation Louis Vuitton / Marc Domage