Mark Leckey

  • Born in 1964, in United Kingdom
  • Lives and works in London (United Kingdom)

“I’m a fetishist and I fetishise things, I'm drawn to these things and I'm obsessed by them, I have to somehow possess them, because I sense that they possess me. I want a form of reciprocity.”

In The Collection

Exhibition of the Collection

From 3 June 2015 to 4 January 2016

Pop & Music

The collection is constantly evolving. This third presentation of the Collection of the Fondation's artworks, with popist lines, including music and sound, gather more than twenty contemporary artists.

Exhibition of the Collection

From 11 April 2018 to 27 August 2018

In tune with the world

For the sixth selection of the Collection, the exhibition "In Tune with the World" unveils throughout the galleries of the Frank Gehry building a new choice of artists, of several different mediums, bringing together modern and contemporary works, most of which have never before been exhibited in these spaces.