Rineke Dijkstra

  • Born in 1959, in Netherlands
  • Lives and works in Amsterdam (Netherlands)

© Julian Martin / EPA / MaxPPP

Rineke Dijkstra has been revisiting the portraiture genre since the early 1990s.

In The Collection

Exhibition of the Collection

From 3 June 2015 to 4 January 2016

Pop & Music

The collection is constantly evolving. This third presentation of the Collection of the Fondation's artworks, with popist lines, including music and sound, gather more than twenty contemporary artists.

Exhibition of the Collection

From 23 September 2020 to 3 January 2021

Crossing views

Parallel to the Cindy Sherman retrospective exhibition, the Fondation presents Crossing Views, a selection of works from the Fondation's Collection which was chosen in collaboration with Cindy Sherman. Echoing her work, the exhibition is centred on the theme of the portrait and its interpretation through different approaches and media: painting, photography, sculpture, video and installation. The exhibition brings together around twenty French and international artists, of different generations and backgrounds. It includes around sixty works, many of which have previously never been on display at the Fondation.