Viva España

  • 2004
  • Pilar Albarracin
  • Video, colour, sound
  • 3 min. 30 s.
The woman walks on, harassed and anxious, becoming surrounded by the group of male musicians, and gradually picking up speed. The homage turns into an act of aggression, and the film ends with the woman fleeing.

© Pilar Albarracín. Photo © Fondation Louis Vuitton / Marc Domage


Pilar Albarracin

Since the 1990s, Pilar Albarracin has been making performances that denounce the archetypes and violence of macho society using Spanish clichés and popular culture.

With irony and humour, she takes on different roles of gypsy, toreador or middle-class housewife in situations that range from the trivial – making a tortilla – to the dramatic: rape. Her actions gain pace and momentum, merge eroticism and death, and show ridicule and cruelty as means of social criticism.

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