While closed, the Fondation offered the opportunity to rediscover on Facebook and Youtube exclusive content from past exhibitions and concert, that has been presented in its grounds since its 2014 opening.
Each week, you could rediscover exclusive content on the Fondation's Youtube Channel :
- Wednesday at 6 p.m. : A visit of an exhibition with commentary by the curators
- Friday at 8:30 p.m. : A concert held at the Auditorium
- Sunday at 5:30 p.m. : A concert by the graduates of the Classe d’Excellence de Violoncelle led by Gautier Capuçon
We are pleased to welcome you for the « Cindy Sherman at the Fondation Louis Vuitton » exhibition from Wednesday 23 September.
For the reopening of the Fondation, health precautions and measures are put in place to ensure your safety, in compliance with the current sanitary advice.