"The Red Studio" in the Conservation Lab
The Red Studio, as its title suggests, is primarily defined by the Venetian red that covers most of its surface. But this aspect of the painting was a late-stage decision: Matisse applied the red atop a nearly completed painting with a very different palette. That earlier version of the painting provided a more naturalistic portrayal of his studio, with colors differentiating the floor and walls, and the furniture depicted as solid forms.
From 04.05.2024 to 09.09.2024
Matisse: The Red Studio
The Fondation, in collaboration with The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York and the SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen (National Gallery of Denmark) - is hosting the exhibition “Matisse: The Red Studio”, focusing on the genesis and history of this famous 1911 masterpiece, one of MoMA’s iconic works since its acquisition in 1949.