Entrare nell 'Opera

  • 1971
  • Giovanni Anselmo
  • Inkjet photograph on canvas
  • 350 x 510 cm

He reaches this point at the exact instant the photo is taken: entering the work freezes the moment. The grain of the photograph blends with the grain of the canvas. The artist said he became aware of his connection to the universe at dawn on 16 August 1965, when he saw his shadow stretched out on the slope of Stromboli. For Anselmo, art alters awareness of man’s relationship with the world. His work explores space, time, movement, energy and light.

© Giovanni Anselmo


Giovanni Anselmo

Anselmo conceives the artist’s mission as “keeping open and alive” the “points of energy” that are “I, the world, things, life”. The artist sees his task as maintaining states of equilibrium in space and time.

Anselmo incorporates into his work natural materials (stone, wood, iron) which he combines with plant materials (sponge, lettuce, etc.), using their intrinsic natural qualities as much as their symbolic meaning. The artist, a member of the Italian art movement Arte Povera brought together by art critic Germano Celant in 1968, creates tension between combinations of antagonistic materials and masses. He reflects on the order of things, the cycles of nature and more generally the existential relationship between man and nature within the cosmos.

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