Genesis [Je n'isi isi] I

  • 2016
  • Kudzanai Chiurai
  • Pigment inks on premium satin photo paper
  • 130 x 140 cm

A doctor and missionary, the explorer led several missions for the British Empire, paving the way for colonisation and trade, all while preaching and fighting against slavery. Here, the artist presents a different perspective: he offers, not without a certain irony, an “African” point of view on Livingstone’s adventure. Livingstone progresses through a series of eclectic backgrounds, purposefully replete with anachronisms taken from colonial decorum and Victorian style. Livingston is no longer a trailblazing explorer: he takes tea with a dignitary, most likely the leader of an imaginary matriarchal society.

© Kudzanai Chiurai. Photo © Fondation Louis Vuitton / Marc Domage


Kudzanai Chiurai

Originally from Harare, Kudzanai Chiurai graduated with a degree in fine arts from the University of Pretoria in 2006.

His work takes an activist approach and does not shy away from highlighting corruption in his native country, which it does through lithography and stencil painting featuring revealing slogans. Chiurai creates photographs, videos, paintings and drawings. Combining expressionist gestures with images and texts from popular culture, he addresses social issues in Africa, as well as the continent’s emancipation.

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