The commissions take many different forms. Displayed in different areas of the building, inside and outside, they reflect the artists’ responses to the architecture of Frank Gehry.
Due to the Paralympic Games, the electric shuttle’s itinerary is exceptionally changed this Sunday. The Friedland stop is moved to the Les Sablons station (metro line 1), at 85 avenue Charles de Gaulle.
Roman Signer, Installation mit Kajaks, 2003, 2003
Tête d'homme Lotar I, 1964
Empreintes de pinceau n°50 à intervalles réguliers de 30 cm, 1997
Femme de Venise III, 1957
Tête sur tige, 1947
Homme qui chavire, 1950
[Buste d'Homme assis (Lotar III)], 1965
Grande Femme II, 1960
Buste d'homme (Lotar II), 1964
Homme qui pointe, 1951
Trois hommes qui marchent I; Trois hommes qui marchent [grand plateau], 1948
Paris sans fin, 1961
The commissions take many different forms. Displayed in different areas of the building, inside and outside, they reflect the artists’ responses to the architecture of Frank Gehry.